"NYC, What is it about you?"
Let the snow fall, the taxicabs honk, and Broadway Babes belt!
I am so unbelievably excited to start studying abroad in Prague at Anglo American University, but how could I not stop in New York on the way over! We're flying out tomorrow and will be in New York until the 2nd, and have completely booked every minute of every day. My parents are here until the 30th, then they're going to Conneticut for a couple of days while I stay with a close friend Nikki Margallo! So far we are scheduled to see Newsie's (in the Producer's seats!), Cinderella and Matilda! I am so excited to be back in New York and seeing Broadway shows. There's something astonishing about live theater, and it does not get better than Broadway shows, in the middle of winter with the Big Apple covered in snow, and getting to see old friends!
Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with the blog, but I look forward to sharing my stories in NewYork, Prague, and wherever else this adventure takes me! As I start sharing travel plans in Europe with you please share your stories from places you've visited and give suggestions of restaurants you loved and places that are a must see!
Well here goes nothing!